Before you run out and hang your sign, there are some facts that you should know about. Ninety-five percent of start-up fail within their first three years. Do not let this be you! One of the most important steps is to create a thorough business plan that included financials for the first three years. If you have not written a business place, you can download by clicking this link. There are three important processes that you need to be realistic about. First, how will you generate sales? Second, how will you generate new customers ? Third, how will you market your product or services? Fourth, who are your competitors? Finally, what is the acquisition cost for each new customer? We have a template that you can work through these five stages. Download it now! At The PROFIT, we want to help business succeed. To make America great again, it’s going to be a long road to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Be a producer of natural resources, more than natural gases and coal. It’s going to take a lower inflation rate so people can afford to live. If you have a product that you want to manufacture, we will provide you the key machinery behind mass producing that product for free.
Here is a place that you can start sourcing products and build your own business.
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